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    On a Change of Location in Season 2 of My Brilliant Friend

    by Stiliana Milkova
    When the televised adaptation of Ferrante's My Brilliant Friend makes Turin the home of Elena Greco’s future husband’s family, it undoes the emancipatory energy the city generates in Ferrante’s novels. more
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    by Steve Mentz
    The most powerful depiction of illness in Elizabethan London was a lyric poem by the urban pamphleteer and stylistic experimentalist Thomas Nashe, who probably died of the plague around 1600.老王佛系免费
  • Essay


    by Barbara Alfano
    Ferrante leaves the reader with a reflection on failure. With this novel, the author attempts to scour the failure of progressive culture’s great projects of emancipation and education, as well as the failure to rework an ending and a trauma: those of a dualistic geopolitical system. more
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    Dibur Article


    by Maya Barzilai
    This essay explores Hebrew poet and translator Yaakov Fichman's writings on translation, focusing on his use of economic and gender metaphors as a means for symbolic justification for translation. more
  • Colloquy

    Queer Environmentalities

    by Irena Yamboliev
    How can queer theory and ecocriticism inform each other? And why should they? Scholars working to bring these two fields together argue that each has undermined its central goals by keeping aloof... more
  • Essay

    Morrison’s Things: Between History and Memory

    by Kinohi Nishikawa
    Toni Morrison began to formulate her engagement with the black past early in her career, in a project for which she served as editor and makeshift curator of objects. In 1974 Random House brought out a book that Morrison had spent 18 months assembling with four collectors of black memorabilia: a 200-page, oversized compendium that conveys the story of African and African-descended people in the New World. more
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    Blog Post

    Returning to Order through Realism

    by Santiago Zabala
    Law and Order is the familiar rallying cry for a generation of contemporary right-wing politicians from Poland and Turkey to Brazil and the USA. In the context of such a political program, difference, change, and cultural others must be avoided as disruptions of the safety that order is supposed to represent. more
  • Blog Post


    by 老王 v p v官网
    I grew up in the aftermath of Nasser’s Egypt, where public education was made free for all. For me, learning has always been remote… It began with walks to the public libraries, and random flaneur... more
  • Essay

    The Queerness of Straight Time in an Era of Climate Change

    by Sylvan Goldberg
    What can the nineteenth-century American novelist Sarah Orne Jewett tell us about inhabiting a present in which historical time appears both deranged and inescapable? more
  • Debra Krakow, Free Spirit
    Dibur Article

    Hebrew-Arabic Translational Communities and the Recuperation of Arab-Jewish Literary Memory

    by Michal Raizen
    This essay proposes a model of recuperative translation through which Arab-Jewish literary memory is made visible to an Arab readership, identifying translation as the site of encounter with the Arab-Jew—as fiction, historical memory, political potential, author, friend, and colleague. more

Featured Colloquies


Elena Ferrante

Barbara Alfano
See the Colloquy


Irena Yamboliev
See the Colloquy

恶搞隔壁老王破解版下载_恶搞隔壁老王无限金币内购破解版1 ...:2021-6-9 · 恶搞隔壁老王破解版是一款趣味十足的街机休闲类游戏!这款游戏整体的画面感还是非常值得大家前来尝试一番的,卡通的画面让所有的玩家感受到趣味;解锁超多的道具,完成各种不同的特殊任务体系,拥有着更多的奖励

Sarah Wasserman, Patrick Moran
See the Colloquy

Comparing Literatures: Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, Turkish, Urdu

Alexander Key
See the Colloquy

On Being a Medievalist and More

Marisa Galvez

Personification and Allegory: Selves and Signs

Vladimir Brljak
See the Colloquy


Eric Weiskott, Natalie Gerber

Critical Semantics: New Transnational Keywords

See the Colloquy

Animals, Animacy, and the Moving Image

Moira Weigel
See the Colloquy

Postcolonial Spatialities

Ato Quayson


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    11度青春之《老男孩》 (豆瓣) - Douban:2021-10-30 · 11度青春系列是由11位当下青年导演中的翘楚执导系列电影短片,由中国电影集团联手优酷网共同出品,汇集最鲜活的青春奋斗力量。 本片叙述了一对好友肖大宝(肖央 饰)和王小帅(王太利 饰)人到中年重新登台找回梦想的故事。80年伕的他伔做过所有那么年纪叛逆少年经历的一切,打架闹 事、痴迷 ...
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Poetry for a Time of Plague
by Steve Mentz
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by Mohammad Salama
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The Future is Female?: Griselda, Top Girls, and Rethinking Feminist Subjectivity
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When the Imperial Baroque State Is Not Sufficiently Baroque
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